L'agence opixido

Thanks to its audio-visual, print and interactive productions, opixido stands as one of the major French agency for cultural and institutional mediation.

For the past 22 years, opixido has built a recognized expertise in the conception of innovative interactive and educational displays rooted in cultural and museum outreach programs,as well as scientific projects.

Finding the right balance between creativity and technology is a key target for all our projects. Our ambition is to associate in the public’s mind discovery and pleasure, playing and knowledge.

Visual identity of the Abbaye aux Dames
Visual identity of the Abbaye aux Dames

Visual identity of the Abbaye aux Dames


Abbaye aux Dames, Saintes

Project typology

Visual identity




Founded in the 11th century, the Abbaye aux Dames de Saintes has always been a place of enterprise and culture. Following the creation of the Saintes Early Music Festival in 1972, the Abbey site was restored to create a cultural center.

It was in the context of a new project for the period 2022-2027 that the association decided to change its graphic charter so that it would be more in line with its new raison d’être: "To combine music and heritage; to imagine together an open and radiant living space, a space for encounters and exciting exchanges".

The Abbaye aux Dames wishes to change its image by revising its brand architecture and by creating communication and mediation tools that are better adapted to a wide audience.

The new visual identity created by Opixido reflects the plurality of a cultural, meeting and living place. It aims to promote a multiple experience, a quality and accessible offer, thus positioning the Abbey as a global cultural actor.

Services provided

  • Communication consulting
  • Graphic design
  • Conception and realization of communication tools, editions
The Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux
The Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux

The Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux


The Fine Arts Museum of Bordeaux

Project typology





« Le Marché aux chevaux / The Horse Fair », Rosa Bonheur (1822-1899)

Rosa Bonheur carried out a major project between 1852 and 1855, The Horse Fair. This gigantic piece of art was inspired by Paris’ horse fair. The piece of art depicts a market where draft horses are being sold, especially the Percheron breed. This work is kept at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York because of its substantial size : 244.5 cm high and 506.7 cm wide. Unfortunately, it could not be moved to Bordeaux for the new exhibition of the Musée des Beaux-arts, due to preservation issues.

In order to share Rosa Bonheur’s master piece, it was decided to provide the museum with a digital tool allowing the visitors to explore The Horse Fair. The device is an enormous touch table with three entries:

« A journey to the heart of the work », to see the piece’s details;
A « Magnifying glass », explaining its story;
A free exploration of the piece, thanks to a digitized gigapixel picture taken by the team at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
The software and project were entrusted by Opixido.

Services provided

  • Project monitoring
  • Script design
  • Ergonomic design
  • Graphic creation
  • Development (Unity)
  • Installation assistance
Parc national des Calanques
Parc national des Calanques

Parc national des Calanques


Parc national des Calanques

Project typology





Opixido accompanies the Parc national des Calanques in the realization of a webdocumentary on the no-take zones, "Little fish will become big", an immersive experience with poetic illustrations serving the message of preservation.

The objective is to raise public awareness of this remarkable protected natural area.

Services provided

  • Ergonomic design
  • Graphic design
  • Illustrations
  • Development
  • Maintenance
  • Hosting
70.8, gallery of maritime innovations
Mariana Archaeological Museum
Mariana Archaeological Museum

Mariana Archaeological Museum


City of Lucciana

Project typology

Multimedia, audiovisual




Anchored in the heart of the plain of Marana between Bastia / Poretta airport and the seafront, emerges the Canonica, a former 12th century Romanesque cathedral associated with the funerary basilica of San Parteo.
These two buildings mark the site of an exceptional archaeological site.
Benefiting from this privileged geographical location, the Archaeological Museum of Mariana - Prince Rainier III of Monaco, designed by the Pierre-Louis Faloci agency, draws on a rich archaeological collection and recreates the history of the territory.
Opixido took charge of the creation of 8 interactive databases offering archaeological files on excavations, coins, ancient cities, the decoration and the assembly of a series of 10 interviews which offer visitors the opportunity to discover the tools and archaeological methods, 7 interactive devices offering documentary and cartographic animations on the subjects covered in the tour, and 4 thematic interactive devices combining documentary, cartographic and 3D animations.

Services provided

  • Project monitoring
  • Script design
  • Ergonomic design
  • Graphic creation
  • Drawing
  • 3D animations
  • Audiovisual editing
  • Motion design
  • Actors recordings
  • Development (Unity)
  • Development of a back-office in OCMS
  • Training in the content management tool
  • Installation assistance
Île-de-France Region - Gastronomy Route
Île-de-France Region - Gastronomy Route

Île-de-France Region - Gastronomy Route


Île-de-France Region

Project typology

Print and web




In 2019, the Île-de-France Region launched a new tourism offer on its territory by developing a Gastronomy course. This course aims to promote regional gastronomy and to highlight products labeled "produced in Île-de-France". It has six stages including Rungis and the Cité de la gastronomie, La Chocolaterie Menier in Noisiel, or the France Pavilion of the Milan Universal Exhibition, dedicated to the food industry, in Tremblay-en-France.

Opixido created the brand / label illustrating both the diversity of the territory, the refinement, the terroir, the art of living... The agency then developed the graphic charter and the communication supports for the launch campaign (DP, participants’ charter, print, social media campaign, goodies, trophies, etc.)

Services provided

  • Design of the visual identity
  • Graphic variation of print and web media
Illuminated gardens
at the Palace of the Kings and Queens of Mallorca
Illuminated gardens
at the Palace of the Kings and Queens of Mallorca

Illuminated gardens at the Palace of the Kings and Queens of Mallorca


Departmental Council of Pyrénées-Orientales - Departmental Archives

Project typology

Immersive show - Video mapping - Animation - Sound design




The Department of Pyrénées-Orientales has entrusted the consortium formed by opixido and Les Fées Spéciales with the mission of transforming the stables of the Palace of the Kings of Majorca in Perpignan into an immersive room. It invites visitors to rediscover the history of this atypical medieval palace.
The animated video mapping technique was used to dress the 4 walls of the room. The duo of directors Maud Sertour and Samy Barras, part of our team, produced the animated sequences that reveal the medieval gardens that have now disappeared.
The light adapts to the stones, bricks and scars of the different walls to play the different paintings of the medieval period.
The sound and visual experience offers an immersion in the Catalan palace before its transformation into a citadel by Vauban. In 12 minutes, this new mediation tool recreates the marvelous exteriors that surrounded the palace: an invitation to discover medieval flora and fauna, through the four seasons like a vanished Garden of Eden.

Services provided

  • Project monitoring
  • Scenarisation
  • Illustrations
  • Animations
  • Sound design
  • Technical interface: target calculations, colorimetric tests
  • On-site tests
  • Calibration and optimization of the mapping
  • Final settings and commissioning
Service Historique de la Défense
Service Historique de la Défense

Service Historique de la Défense "Glory and mourning"


Service Historique de la Défense

Project typology





The Defense Historical Service is in charge of the conservation and enhancement of the archives of the Ministry of the Armed Forces. He has three exhibitions a year. Opixido has been supporting them in the graphic creation and realization of these exhibitions since 2018.

The agency’s involvement is global: AMO of exhibitions, museum and scenographic design, creation and variation of the graphic line, production of communication, mediation and signage media. Design and production of audiovisual and multimedia devices.

The exhibition "Glory and mourning - From the memory of the soldier to the memory of the combatant. 1919-1939" was presented in 2020.

Services provided

  • AMO advice
  • Museum and scenographic design
  • Graphic design of the exhibition and communication media
  • Design, animation and production of multimedia and audiovisuals
Château de Foix
Château de Foix

Château de Foix


Conseil départemental de l’Ariège

Project typology

Multimedia, audiovisual, motion-design, sound design




At the foot of the Château de Foix, the new 2,000 m² museographic space deploys the collections around the history of the site, endeavoring to restore life to Foix at the time of the counts and Catharism. The scenography, combining modernity, play and activity, allows visitors to discover all the facets of this history with a single watchword: "learn while having fun"! The audiovisual, multimedia and sound devices imagined and produced by the agency are rich and varied: animations in motion-design, interactive and playful devices and multi-screen projection mark out the course, in an immersive musical atmosphere. The set is offered in French, in 5 foreign languages ​​and in French sign language. The supply and installation of the equipment has been entrusted to our co-contractor, the Anagram agency.

Services provided

  • Project management, management and monitoring
  • Script and ergonomic design, storyboards
  • Graphic design, illustrations
  • Animation, motion design
  • Filming, editing
  • Development
  • Sound design, casting, voice recording (FR, EN, IT, ES, DE, NL)
  • Translation (EN, IT, ES, DE, NL)
  • Multilingual integration
  • Tests and optimizations
  • Installation on site



Centre des Monuments nationaux

Project typology





opixido was missioned to produce 6 multimedia mediation display for the Panthéon:

  • 2 maps on 55 inches screens providing visitors with a global vision of the building and the points of interest of the nave and the crypt;
  • a display for thorough presentation of the Panthéon’s décorative program (paintings, sculptures...);
  • a display controling directional headlamps on Rondelet’s model of the Panthéon’s building;
  • a presentation display of honoured personnalities through a timeline;
  • a multiple sound display on tablets.

Services provided

  • Project follow-up
  • Ergonomic and graphical conception
  • Script writing
  • Application development
Pincé Museum - Funeral rites
Pincé Museum - Funeral rites

Pincé Museum - Funeral rites


Pincé Museum

Project typology

Multimedia - Audiovisual - Interactive furniture




Since February 2020, the Pincé museum has reopened its doors to present to the public a new scenographic and museographic approach. Visitors travel across countries and centuries through collections of Greek and Roman, Egyptian, Pre-Columbian, Chinese and Japanese civilizations. For this new route, our agency has imagined and produced an original and unprecedented digital mediation device on the Egyptian funeral rites. In partnership with the Hovertone agency, our team has developed a tangible table addressing the different stages of mummification through play. Physical support and digital interactions combine to create an innovative and enriched user experience: the embalming table, in wood and in volume, receives a mapped animation - the visitor presses on different areas of the table to progress in his stages.

Services provided

  • Direction, management and project monitoring
  • Script and ergonomic design, storyboards
  • Graphic design
  • Animation, motion design
  • Unity Development
  • Tests and optimizations
  • Supply of material
  • Furniture manufacturing
  • On-site installation
Musée de Pont-Aven
Musée de Pont-Aven

Musée de Pont-Aven


Concarneau Cornouaille Agglomeration

Project typology

Audiovisual and multimedia




For this exhibition, opixido created 7 original mediation devices, as well as the audioguide tour in 7 languages and a specific tour suitable for visually impaired visitors.

Services provided

  • Multimedia design and development
  • Audiovisual storyboarding and creation
  • Scripting and recording of the audioguides in 7 languages
John Cockerill, 200 ans d’avenir
John Cockerill, 200 ans d’avenir

John Cockerill, 200 ans d’avenir


The John Cockerill Foundation and the CMI Group, Belgium

Project typology

Audiovisual and multimedia




For this exhibition, opixido created 3 multimedia devices, one interactive game, one animation movie, one interactive photographic display, one Occulus VR device, one “Pepper Ghost” movie show, and a 3D animated film.

Services provided

  • Ergonomics and technical design
  • Adaptation and development of the multimedia graphical charter
  • Motion design/animation
  • Sound design
  • Flash, Unity, HTML5 development
  • Storyboarding
  • Filming
  • Editing
  • Special effects
  • 3D creation
Musée La Piscine
Musée La Piscine

Musée La Piscine


Musée La Piscine - Ville de Roubaix

Project typology

tablet app for young audience




opixido produced an application for tablets for 6 to 12 years old users. The app presents 15 stories through 2 paths. Each path is based on a mini-investigation during which the child collects clues to solve mysteries and creates a mini-game linked to an art-piece of the museum. In order to emphasise the discovery of the Museum, the application is only available on tablets in free access in situ.

Services provided

  • Script-writing
  • Ergonomic and functional conception
  • Graphic conception
  • Development
Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse
Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse

Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse


Ministère de l'Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse

Project typology

Print and web




The agency was entrusted with the design and production of the ministry’s editions: institutional editions, technical editions, popularization books for a wider audience, information notes, press kits, as well as communication supports for events. more punctual. The objective is to deliver to all audiences dependent on the ministry (teachers, students, etc.) the broad guidelines of the policy carried out in terms of education with a view to understanding and adherence.

Services provided

  • Editorial advice
  • Graphic creation
  • Design and production of editions and print and digital communication media
  • Production of infographics
Vicenzo Gemito phygital device
Vicenzo Gemito phygital device

Vicenzo Gemito phygital device


Paris Musées

Project typology

Interactive multimedia phygital




The Petit Palais has dedicated an exhibition to the Italian sculptor Vicenzo Gemito. This exhibition included an educational space dedicated to the presentation of the lost wax bronze casting technique.

Paris Museums therefore entrusted opixido with the realization of a phygital device: the visitor was invited to place an object in plaster, wax or bronze on an RFID sensor to access the animations describing the lost wax casting technique.

Services provided

  • Ergonomic interface design
  • Animation storyboard
  • Graphic design and variation
  • Motion design and animations
  • Unity 3D development with phydget interfacing
the Archaeological Museum of the Battle of Gergovia
the Archaeological Museum of the Battle of Gergovia

the Archaeological Museum of the Battle of Gergovia


Mond'Arverne communauté

Project typology





Located on the legendary Gergovia Plateau in the heart of Auvergne, the Archaeological Museum of the Battle of Gergovia will immerse you in the clash between Vercingetorix and Julius Caesar.

opixido has realised 7 documentary films which, like animated excavation diaries, present the Arvern archaeological sites located around Gergovia. The films offer French and English subtitles.

Services provided

  • Project monitoring and management
  • Scenarisation
  • Drawing
  • Graphics
  • Production
  • Motion-design
Citéco - La Cité de l’Économie
Citéco - La Cité de l’Économie

Citéco - La Cité de l’Économie


Banque de France

Project typology

Multimedia, manipulations, audiovisuals and animations




The Cité de l’Economie is located in the Hôtel Gaillard, a former branch of the Banque de France, classified as a historic monument. It offers a wide audience the keys to understanding the current world by presenting contemporary economic mechanisms and issues through playful experiences and devices of discovery and exploration. opixido has created 28 interactive devices of the course:

  • 9 multimedia games integrated with physical manipulations on debt, wages, the exchange rate, business strategies, accounting, real estate, inflation, pensions, purchasing power;
  • 2 digital games: "In the shoes of a banker" and "Draw me a ticket";
  • 17 multimedia content consultation: display of the gold price, songs to listen to, films, coins, banknotes, chronology of major economic events.
  • Interactions take place via touch screens, joysticks, objects associated with RFID chips (baskets to be placed on scales and pallets to be placed on bases), or push buttons.

opixido also produced the following animations:

  • 8 educational and fun activities, sometimes integrated into manipulative devices, which address: monetary creation, management of the State budget, the life of a banknote, forms of exchange, checks and bank cards, the financing of pensions, purchasing power, wages.
  • 3 didactic animations on presses used for the production of banknotes: the assignat press, the intaglio press, the Thonnelier press. They are broadcast near the real machines exhibited in situ.

Services provided


  • Project direction
  • Scenario, ergonomic and functional design
  • Game design, level design
  • Graphic design, illustrations
  • Motion design
  • Development (Air, Html5)
  • Development of a back office tool for managing and updating the content of a device
  • Multilingual integration
  • Tests and optimizations
  • On-site installation


  • Project direction
  • Scenarios
  • Storyboards
  • Graphic design, illustrations
  • 3D modeling
  • Shootings
  • Animation, motion design
  • Casting and voice recording
  • Multilingual and LSF integration
  • Tests and optimizations
  • On-site installation

"The molecules of love"



Project typology

Multimedia and motion design




Love is also chemistry. It manifests itself in the brain and in the rest of the body by the secretion, release (or decrease) of certain molecules. The main molecules involved in different human relationships - love, family or social - are dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, testosterone, estrogen and especially oxytocin.

For the exhibition "Of Love" at the Palais de la Découverte, Universcience chose opixido to create a device on this theme, entitled "The molecules of love".

From an abstract and colorful graphic vocabulary created specifically for the device, the animations produced by opixido tell which molecules are at play in human relationships. Sparkling and funny, they reflect the chemical undersides of different types of attachment: romantic encounter, sexual desire and sex, pregnancy and childbirth, parent-child attachment, social relationships, heartache or jealousy.

This device is trilingual and includes a specific LSF version.

Services provided

  • Project direction
  • Ergonomic design
  • Illustrations and graphic design
  • Motion design
  • Air development
  • Content integration
  • Installation assistance



Bruxelles Environnement - IBGE

Project typology

Multimedia, audiovisual




Bruxelles Environnement asked opixido to conceive and produce the audiovisual displays of BELEXPO: a 6 minutes immersive 360° video projection synchronized with video projections on the floor of Brussels’ map (in partnership with the agency Cent Millions de Pixels), a virtual collective bike riding across Brussels and 12 other movies.
The sound system of the overall exhibition was installed by Life Design Sonore, under opixido’s supervision.


Services provided

  • Screenwriting
  • Filming
  • Editing
  • Motion design
  • Sound design
Musée de la Romanité
Musée de la Romanité

Musée de la Romanité


City of Nîmes

Project typology

Audiovisual, motion design, multimedia, sound design




The Museum of Romanity is one of the major cultural and architectural projects in France. opixido, in partnership with AGP and On-Situ, managed the conception and production of 61 interactive and audiovisual displays (movies and motion design).
opixido also handled the conception and production of a multimedia guided tour on smartphone with thematic visits, for disabled users and 6 to 12 years old children.

Services provided

  • Screenwriting
  • Filming
  • Drone filming
  • Editing
  • Motion design
  • Sound design
  • Ergonomic conception
  • Graphic design
  • Translation (EN, IT, ES)
  • Voice-over recording (FR, EN, IT, ES)
  • Programming (Air, Unity, Html 5)
Louvre Abu Dhabi
Louvre Abu Dhabi

Louvre Abu Dhabi


TCA Abu Dhabi Tourism and Louvre Abu Dhabi

Project typology





For this unique and innovative museum, opixido made thirteen animated 3D motion design movies. These films offer a historical, chronological and geographical perspective on the art pieces on display.

Services provided

  • Storyboard
  • Graphic design
  • Motion design
Musée de la Monnaie de Paris
Musée de la Monnaie de Paris

Musée de la Monnaie de Paris


Monnaie de Paris

Project typology

Multimedia and specific installations




The most ancient French institution, La Monnaie de Paris, created in 864, has revealed its new museum with a unique sensory experience based on exhibition rooms and views over the Monnaie de Paris’s workshops. opixido produced the specific installations (with Avéam) and the multimedia displays:

  • 3 hands’ on displays enabling the visitor to handle a pantograph and to test two technics of coin minting. Didactic animations and results broadcasted on touch-screens guide the visitors in their experiences;
  • an augmented reality display invites the visitor to choose a coin to explore its details through a projected video of the handled coin;
  • multi-player tables and touch-displays propose games and interactive explorations;
  • a video-projection.

Services provided

  • Script-writing, ergonomic and functional conception
  • Game design
  • Graphic and motion design
  • Sound design
  • Development (Air, Unity, Html5)
  • Development of a Content Management System
  • Multilingual integration
Lascaux IV
Lascaux IV

Lascaux IV


Conseil Général de la Dordogne

Project typology

Audiovisual, multimedia and sound display




For the first time, all of Lascaux is revealed. A complete new replica retraces the discovery of the famous decorated cave. But that’s not the end of the adventure: the entire site inquires into the position that Lascaux occupies in cave art and its relation to contemporary creation. The opening of the International Centre for Cave Art marks the beginning of a new adventure combining the emotion of ancestral art and an important technological achievement. opixido worked in The Lascaux Studio.
opixido created with the companies Grand Angle and Axyz one animated film, a soundscape, and an interactive video. opixido also conceived and produced a Kinect device (with Theoriz), three 90-seconds films, a 3-minutes mapped video projection, the sound charter for all the touchscreen interactive displays (with Grand Angle) and a fun interactive device.

Services provided

  • Ergonomic and technical design
  • Graphic design
  • Sound design
  • Drafting of the audio commentary
  • Casting, recording of the French voice-over
  • Production of facsimile objects (with Alain Dalis)
  • On-site mixing
Musée National Picasso-Paris
Musée National Picasso-Paris

Musée National Picasso-Paris


Musée National Picasso-Paris

Project typology

Consulting, graphic design, conception and production of communication, edition and exhibition signage tools




opixido defined the new graphic charter of the Museum and produces every year all its communication tools: institutional editions, communication campaigns, mediation tools, events’ visual identities. opixido also handles the wayfinding of the permanent collection and conceives the graphic design for temporary exhibitions, such as the 2016-2017 major exhibition: "Picasso-Giacometti".

Services provided

  • Accompagnement global
  • Création graphique
  • Conception et réalisation d’outils de communication, d’éditions et de signalétique d’exposition.
Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation
Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation

Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation


Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation

Project typology

Print and web




The agency was entrusted with the design and production of the ministry’s editions: institutional editions, technical editions, popularization books for a wider audience, information notes, press kits, as well as communication supports for events. more punctual. The objective being to deliver to all audiences dependent on the ministry (faculty, students, researchers, etc.) the broad guidelines of the policy carried out in terms of education and research in the interests of understanding and support.

Services provided

  • Editorial advice
  • Graphic creation
  • Design and production of editions and print and digital communication media
  • Production of infographics
Conseil Départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis
Conseil Départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis

Conseil Départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis


Conseil Départemental de la Seine-Saint-Denis

Project typology

Print and web




opixido conceives and produces communication tools to promote Seine-Saint-Denis’ architectural, industrial and archeological heritage.

Services provided

  • Editorial consulting
  • Consulting
  • Graphic design, conception and production of print and web communication tools for cultural and heritage subjects.
Contacter l'agence

T — + 33 (0)1 44 93 84 40

6-8, rue Notre Dame de Nazareth
75003 Paris

T — + 33 (0)2 40 12 04 39

6 place Edouard Normand
44000 Nantes

T — + 33 (0)5 33 09 57 37

21 bis Cours Pasteur
33000 Bordeaux